In the movie that our title's inspiration based on, the character that Bridgitte Bardot gave life says that "the thing that we call future is fabricated to ruin the present ''. In other words, being worried about the future is meaningless. Of course this was said in 1950's. Nowadays it's hard to say it,especially after the obvious climatic changes at present.In order to do something about this matter ,we have to act contrarily. If not, we won't have a future to be worried about...

Our world is getting more polluted and warmer rapidly.This fact is being stated by scientists continuously.I just want to share one of them here because it makes me consider deeply about this matter.Each year 12,000,000 tons of plastic join the seas.This is really creepy and annoying when we consider the fact that plastic disappears in millions of years in the environment. Furthermore, most of these plastic materials are directly effecting the living organisms in the seas and us in the end.The marine organisms are in a real danger of extinction if no precautions are taken.

While many people consider climate change and global warming to be synonyms, the latter is just one of many symptoms of climate change such as drastic changes in weather (heavier rainstorms, frequent drought) in some parts of the world. Climate change encompasses rising average temperatures but also other weather events such as the rising of sea levels as well as shifting wildlife population. In itself is not an unknown process- the earth has gone through climate changes such as ice ages before, but due to heat-trapping greenhouse emissions caused by humans a profound change of the climate all living things rely on has begun.


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